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 The Plot

Welcome to The Plot, where you can learn all about the background to our vegetable growing endeavours!

Building the First Beds
Building the First Beds


When we first moved into our home, the fruit & veg plot looked very different, and had been abandoned for some time. Since then it's been renovated, abandoned, and renovated once more in its latest incarnation. You can read all about the history of the plot here.


We have a lot of gardening books, and some of them are the sort which you look at, admire the beautiful borders and colour schemes, and continue to dream. Others are dedicated to vegetable growing, and here you can find out which books have inspired the building of our plot and our veg growing philosophy.


It's evolved a little since it was first drawn up, but the layout of the veg plot happened very early on, and remained pinned to the noticeboard in the kitchen for many a long year. You can see it in all its well-worn glory here!

Newly Completed Raised Bed
Newly Completed Raised Bed

Raised Beds

This would seem to be a very popular trend for vegetable growers and we were keen to combine raised beds with the deep bed, no dig method. First though, we had to build the beds, and it was hard work, but seems to be paying off. Here you can see our raised beds taking shape, and read about the philosophy of deep bed gardening.


It took quite a while for us to decide what sort of greenhouse we wanted, and even longer to decide how we would build the foundation. Putting it all together was relatively easy if a little nerve-racking. You can see our efforts here.

The Potting Shed
The Potting Shed

Potting Shed

The potting shed has been at the heart of our veg plot for much longer than any of the other fixtures and fittings. It also escaped having a large tree fall on it virtually unscathed, but has been in need of renovation for some time. In this section there is information on how we chose the shed, and its current renovation and improvement scheme!

Water Supply

At the moment, during any dry spells lasting longer than a couple of weeks we have to resort to the mains water tap and hosepipe, but ideally we would like to be able to use collected rainwater for all our outdoor watering. There's a little bit more about our watering methods and planned improvements here.

An Excavated Livery Button
An Excavated Livery Button

Web pages coming soon...


Yes, you did read that right! While digging the plot over to create the raised beds, a few things surfaced which were sort of interesting, and we thought we'd dedicate a section to our archaeological finds.

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