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Veg Journal - 2010 SeptemberMore harvesting, preserving and tidying this month. The potatoes, tomatoes and sweetcorn were particularly good, although the outdoor tomatoes were at risk from frost at times. We also did a bit more on the potting shed while the weather was still warm enough.
Week ending 8th September1st - Picked 10 yellow tomatoes & 1 outdoor cherry tomato. 2nd - Picked the 1st greenhouse plum tomato and 9 yellow tomatoes (1lb 3oz). 3rd - Harvested 1 head of celery and 8½oz runner beans. 6th - Harvested some runner beans (12oz) and French beans (5oz). Put more filler in the shed after sanding the first lot down. 7th - Dug up the rest of the summer cabbages and used what we could - a lot had been attacked by grey aphids. Harvested 2 heads of celery (1lb), 2 marrows (11lb & 14lb), some calabrese, carrots (1½oz), 3 yellow tomatoes, the 1st 3 greenhouse cherry tomatoes, and 3 outdoor cherry tomatoes. Harvested 3lb beetroot and made 3 jars of pickled beetroot. 8th - Picked 2 greenhouse cherry tomatoes and 3 outside tomatoes (2 had split). Made 6 jars of piccalilli from some marrow, cabbage, celery & runner beans. Week ending 15th September9th - Harvested some carrots (5oz), a marrow (14lb) and the first 3 sweetcorn cobs. Two were good (11oz each), one was dried up. Cooked the 2 good ones on the cob. 10th - Harvested 6 celery plants (4lb) & made wine out of them. 11th - Picked 1 outdoor cherry tomato, 16 greenhouse cherry tomatoes, 2 red & 2 yellow tomatoes (Lindsey's). Cut one sweetcorn cob (8oz), stripped the kernels off and froze them. Sanded most of the outside of the potting shed & sawed off the balcony. It looks like the spinach has self-seeded. 12th - Picked some runner beans (14oz). Sanded the rest of the shed and put the 1st coat of preservative on it. 13th - Finished preserving the shed. Picked the last three aubergines (3oz). 14th - Picked 4 outdoor cherry tomatoes & 2 outdoor tomatoes (ours), 21 greenhouse cherry tomatoes, 5 red & 6 yellow tomatoes (Lindsey's), totalling 3lb 4½oz in all. Also picked 13 corn cobs (7lb 12 oz) yielding 5lb 11oz of kernels for freezing. 15th - Picked one corn cob (9oz) yielding 7oz of kernels. Week ending 23rd September16th - Picked 4 outdoor cherry tomatoes, 1 outdoor plum tomato & 1 outdoor red tomato (ours), 4 red & 3 yellow tomatoes (Lindsey's), 2 greenhouse plum tomatoes & 5 greenhouse cherry tomatoes. Picked some runner beans (10oz), French beans (2½oz), 2 marrows (1lb 7oz & 10lb 10oz) and some beetroot (2lb). Made 4½ jars of beetroot chutney. Covered the outdoor tomatoes as frost is forecast. 17th - Dug up the onions & shallots for drying, and cut down the stems from the potatoes. Kept the covers on the tomatoes. 18th - Made 3½ jars of tomato & apple chutney. 19th - Picked a few remaining French & runner beans. Made 4½ jars of marrow & apple chutney. Harvested a corn cob (10oz). 20th - Picked quite a large amount of calabrese. There are lots of whiteflies & grey aphids under the netting, which might be a problem. 21st - Picked 10 greenhouse cherry tomatoes, 1 greenhouse plum tomato, 1 red & 7 cherry outdoor tomatoes, 3 yellow & 4 red tomatoes (Lindsey's, plus 2 red which may need composting). Had to bring in all the green tomatoes off Lindsey's red plant as the stem had collapsed (6lb 3oz). Harvested a carrot (3½oz) for the Christmas pudding! 22nd - Picked 8 greenhouse cherry tomatoes and 2 yellow tomatoes. Harvested some runner beans & a few French beans (8½oz). Made 4½ jars of green tomato chutney. 23rd - Harvested 1 head of celery & 3 corn cobs (1lb 6oz, giving 12oz of kernels). Click on a photo to see a bigger version:
Week ending 30th September24th - Tied up the peppers a bit more (lots of fruits!), and made 4½ jars of mixed fruit chutney (damsons, apples, pears & yellow tomatoes). Put frost covers over the outdoor tomatoes. 25th - Picked 11 greenhouse cherry tomatoes, 4 outdoor cherry tomatoes, 1 red & 3 yellow tomatoes. 26th - Cut some kale - the undersides are covered in whitefly, but it washes off. Pulled up some carrots (1lb) and picked a few runner beans (3½oz). 27th - All the full-size outdoor tomatoes are splitting as they ripen; too little or too much water? 28th - Picked the last 4 corn cobs and got 12½oz of kernels; not as fresh as they have been. 29th - Harvested 2 carrots & 1 celery plant. Covered the outdoor tomatoes again at night. 30th - Picked 3 yellow & 3 red tomatoes, plus 11 outdoor cherry tomatoes. Dug up all the potatoes, dried them & stored them in the shed. Only a few have been attacked by slugs. From 26 seed potatoes, we dug up 111lb 7oz = 4lb 4½oz per plant. The potatoes in the tub from 1 seed weighed 7lb 13oz. Also weighed & stored the main onions (2lb 7oz), red onions (1lb 7oz) & shallots (4lb 11oz). Click on a photo to see a bigger version: |
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