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 Veg Journal - 2011 February

The journal for February is a bit thin, but we did do some soil preparation along with sorting out the planting plan for the year. Most of the activity in the garden, as in January, was harvesting the over-wintering vegetables, but we planted the garlic and shallots, and set out the seed potatoes to chit.

Week ending 7th February

1st - Picked 1 carrot.

6th - Picked 2 leeks and 2 carrots.

7th - Picked 5 parsnips.

Week ending 14th February

8th - Picked 8 very small carrots. Pulled out the roots and plants from the broad bean & broccoli beds, forked them over & cultivated them.

10th - Forked over & cultivated the old runner bean bed & the old sweetcorn bed.

14th - Forked over the asparagus bed in front of the greenhouse. Picked 2 leeks.

Week ending 21st February

16th - Forked over the remaining empty beds & put compost in them. Ditto for half of the greenhouse beds.

17th - Continued as for the 16th.

21st - Planted shallots & garlic. Put the seed potatoes in egg box trays - the salad potatoes (Charlotte) are on the pantry window ledge, and the main crops (Desiree) are on the pantry cold slab covered with newspaper. Picked 1 leek, 1 parsnip and 4 carrots.

Week ending 28th February

22nd - Picked 5 parsnips. Washed some seed trays.

23rd - Washed some more seed trays. Picked 2 leeks and 4 carrots.

25th - Picked 5 or 6 carrots - some very small.

27th - Sorted out the planting plan for the year. Picked the last 3 of last year's carrots.

Click on the photo to see a bigger version:

  • The veg plot, tidied up and waiting for seed sowing to begin (24th Feb)

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