Tales from the Potting Shed creating a new vegetable plot
from scratch
 Clearing the Plot
In March 2009 my husband Ian and I decided to turn the derelict area at the bottom of our garden into a productive
vegetable plot. We had made a design for it some years ago, including raised beds and a greenhouse, but the only part
we had so far managed to complete was the installation of a potting shed way back in 1998. Not that it had led a
totally uneventful existence since then, but more of that later.
We don't profess to be expert vegetable growers, but we are hoping to be almost self-sufficient vegetable-wise.
This is the story of how we created the vegetable plot, how we decided what we would grow, and how it worked out,
including the successes and failures. If you're thinking about starting a similar project, come and share our
experiences and see what it's like to grow your own!
 Finishing the Very Last Raised Bed
The Plot
An introductory section covering the history of our vegetable plot, the inspiration for the plot we now have, and
its layout. There's information on the general theory behind the use of raised beds, and how we built them. We've also
included a bit about how we water the vegetable plot (mostly using rainwater), and there'll be a little section on
Veg Journal
A day by day account of what we're doing on the vegetable plot, from the initial clearance
work to how much we've sown and harvested. There are lots of photos taken throughout the year and coming soon there
will be links to our new "Growing Guides" section too.
Web pages in progress...
 October Veggies
Growing Guides
It's quite surprising how many different vegetables, herbs and fruits we've tried to grow, and this is where
we'll describe the varieties we've sown, how we looked after them, and what the problems were.
Web pages coming soon...
Under Cover
Eventually we are hoping to site a cold frame somewhere, and make or purchase some cloches, but for the moment,
here you'll be able to find out everything about our greenhouse and potting shed.
Crop Protection
 Homemade Netting Cage
At a very early stage in the development of our plot, it was obvious that if a vegetable pest had been given page
space in the text books, we would be able to study it first hand. Oh yes, it wasn't long before a mole turned up, and
caterpillars, aphids, slugs, pigeons, etc. have all made an appearance. We fought some of them off with chicken wire,
netting cages, sticky cards, a mole scarer and companion planting, but I'm still not sure which side won.
Planting Plan
Given the number of pests resident in our garden, a crop rotation scheme of some sort was essential from the start.
It took a while to sort it out, but the one we settled on seems to be working. Here you'll be able to see what we're
planting and in which beds. A summary of the crop yields will be included too.
 Pickles & Chutneys
When it comes to cooking, it's the man of the house who takes the lead here! I'll be adding many of Ian's own
recipes, all using produce from our garden, and, because the inevitable glut occurred, I'll be including a lot of
pickle and chutney recipes too.
Veg Storage
We really dislike having to waste any food, so if the vegetables we've grown haven't been eaten, given away or
turned into pickles or chutney, they've been tucked away either in the freezer or our vegetable store.